2018年平昌冬季奥运会 (XXIII Olympic Winter Games) 第23届冬季奥林匹克运动会,将于2018年02月09日至2018年02月25日在韩国平昌举行。为庆祝冬奥会倒数计时200天,景泰烟花代表中国队在韩国江原道参加了精彩的焰火表演。
2018 Pyeongchang Olympic Winter Games (XXIII Olympic Winter Games) The 23rd Olympic Winter Games , will be held in Pyeongchang South Korea from Feb. 09 to Feb. 25, 2018. To celebrate the Olympic Winter Games countdown for 200 days, Jingtai Fireworks participated in the splendid fireworks display in Gangwon-do,South Korea on behalf of the Chinese team.


Jingtai Fireworks display team received a warm hospitality and souvenirs from Mr. Cui who is provincial governor of Gangwon-do South Korea at the award ceremony.